I am a professor at the Center for Mathematical Sciences in UNAM in Morelia. I earned a degree in Mathematics from the University of Guanajuato and a master’s degree by CIMAT. Then, I did a Ph.D. and a Post-doctorate in Integrative Biology at Evolution of Metabolic Diversity lab at Langebio-Cinvestav.
I care about teaching, I have taught at main México Universities: UNAM, ITESM, IPN, and CINVESTAV and I also developed open-source lessons for " The Carpentries”.
I’m a founder member of BetterLab, a biotechnology and software startup, and I’m also a member of the Mexican SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Surveillance Consortium. As a scientist, I have proposed and developed bioinformatics solutions to biological problems of comparative genomics of microorganisms.
I am interested in the genome evolution of Archaea, Bacteria, and Fungi. For my work, I received the L’oréal award for women in science 2021. To me, everything is teamwork and that is what I expect from my students. Life-work balance it is important, family and social contribution matters to me.
I like to skate and share, because of that I’m a member of the development program Girls Hockey League Mexico.